Are there pubs / restaurants nearby? »

There are an abundance of pubs, restaurants & hotels within the locality of Chawleigh, Chulmleigh, Eggesford & the surrounding area

How accessible is the M5 from 'The Arches'? »

M5, Junction 27 @ Tiverton - 26.6 miles from 'The Arches'.

When will 'The Arches' gardens/bbq area be complete? »

Spring 2013

Where is the nearest church? »

St James's Church, Chawleigh - with services every Sunday at 11.00 a.m

Where is the nearest city? »

Exeter - 20 miles on the A377

Where is the nearest hospital? »

Exeter (Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital)

Barnstaple (North Devon Hospital)

Where is the nearest park? »

Chawleigh - 2.1 miles from 'The Arches'. Providing a playing field together with various climbing/park facilities for both young and older children.

Where is the nearest town? »

Chulmleigh, 3.1 miles from 'The Arches'. Provides most amenities, including a doctors surgery, dental practice, library, butchers, bakers, hardware shop, corner shop, post office, hairdressers, and various other essential services.

Where is the nearest train station? »

Eggesford Train Station, 1/2 mile from 'The Arches'. Takes you to either Exeter where you can take trains to any major city/station or Barnstaple along the Tarka Line.

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